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Serve With Us
Deacons MinistryThe Deacons are responsible for the devotional period during worship services. The deacons support the Pastor by visiting the sick and shut-in, and are responsible for assisting during baptism and the observance of the Lord's Supper. The deacons aid and assist in the affairs of the church as directed by the Pastor.
Deaconess MinistryThe Deaconess participates in the ordinances of the church, Baptism and the Lord's Supper. They are responsible for the preparation of candidates for Baptism. Additionally, they visit the sick and shut-in, and offer their support as needed.
Sunday School MinistryThe Sunday School Ministry is the teaching agency for all ages and it helps to prepare attendees for a higher level of biblical knowledge and understanding. This is accomplished through planning, organizing, and presenting the Word of God from Sunday School lessons designed to meet the spiritual needs of those who attend. The goal of the Sunday School is to equip the Saints to do the work of the Kingdom.
Trustee MinistryThe Trustee Ministry is to ensure that church property is properly maintained to provide a clean, safe and secure place of worship where members and visitors can experience an atmosphere conducive to worship. All legal matters, insurance, property & equipment, are apart of the ministry responsibilities.
Finance MinistryThe Finance Ministry is responsible for the care, use and planning of all church accounts and financial assets. This ministry is responsible for keeping financial records of all income and expenditures, as well as executing all disbursements.
Pastor's Aide MinistryThe Pastor's Aide Ministry provides support to the Pastor and his family, making themselves available to assist in whatever capacity needed. They ensure the needs of the pulpit are addressed on Sunday mornings, and assist the pastor in the hospitality efforts for visiting ministers.
Youth & Young Adult MinistryThe Youth & Young Adult Ministry is designed to involve youth and young adults from ages 3-21 in ministries with emphasis on enrichment and Christian development. This is accomplished through activities and Christian studies designed specifically for targeted group.
Mission & Benevolence MinistryThe Mission & Benevolence Ministry is a need-sensitive ministry that ministers to the physical needs of our members and non-members in our community. This ministry reaches out to those who are in need of basic necessities such as food, clothing and financial assistance. This ministry is also responsible for the solicitation and distribution of meals, clothing and toys for needy families during the holiday season.
Usher MinistryThe Usher Ministry serves by graciously greeting, directing and assisting those who enter the sanctuary in a friendly and hospitable manner. They assist during the offertory period, distribute programs and envelopes. The Usher Ministry is composed of the following: Senior Ushers Young Adult Ushers Male Ushers Mass Ushers
Media MinistryThe Media Ministry is responsible for audio, video, and photography for worship services and special programs/events. The ministry is also responsible for producing all CD's and DVD's of worship services and special programs/events for sale.
Prison MinistryThe purpose of the Prison Ministry is to introduce Christ to those who are not saved and give encouragement and spiritual support to those who are incarcerated.
Music MinistryThe Music Ministry is dedicated to providing quality Christian music during all worship services. Enhancing the worship experience by edifying and honoring our God through songs and praise. The Music Ministry is composed of the following: Senior Choir Mass Choir Gospel Ensemble Youth Choir Male Chorus Praise Team
Transportation MinistryThe Transportation Ministry is responsible for providing transportation for all worship services and for other church related activities.
Culinary MinistryThe Culinary Ministry is responsible for preparing breakfast each Sunday and for preparing meals for special events such as home going services, Pastoral appreciation, Church dinners, etc.
Hope MinistryThe purpose of this ministry is to offer support to those who have lost a love one. Seeking through Christian fellowship and biblical studies to strengthen, comfort and motivate the grieving to hold to their faith and the hope it offers. "But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope." 1 Thessalonians 4:13.
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